I first came to Dr. Moore’s office because I hurt my back jumping into hay in the barn when I was just seven years of age. I am now 80 yrs old. My parents immediately took me to a chiropractor and I have been treated ever since. I was sent to Toronto years ago when my right hand was numb and my fingers were white when I was taking shorthand. This doctor was a specialist in back surgery in North America. He wanted to operate immediately. I said no and have used chiropractic services ever since. Dr. Moore has helped my back (lower), neck, knees, and shoulders. I am very healthy; I only take a thyroid medication and omega 3 capsules. I can do most anything (within reason) of what I wish to do. My condition before seeing Dr. Moore prevented me from pursuing an active life. I can now bowl, and play shuffleboard. I knit, sew; I use my arms all the time. I live in a basement apartment and climb the stairs all the time; I can even mow the lawns. I would encourage others to always try chiropractic before surgery. It takes time for relief, but it has always worked for me. I am still agile and without pain.